Encouragement to Reading and Prayer
(Turn phone sideways to read full title.) You can download any hymn. The next hymn may not automatically play if your phone screen turns off. NOTE that for some unknown error, the playlist position is not saved when you exit the page. So keep note of where you are at.
NOTE: PLEASE read by scrolling the 9 notes below. A few are very important concerning access to updated pages and files.
(1) Some windows take more time to load – especially those having file tables. “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” James 1:4
(2) Once you load a page it will load a lot quicker the next time. But sometimes this can be a problem. Because when I update a page, replace mp3 files or even this side bar, often most web browsers will load the page, etc. that was stored for quick loading on your phone. And so the update is unknown to you. At least once a week, open the your browser settings and delete all browsing data. This will assure everything shows current. You can also check the Mp3 Update List so not to miss an mp3 that was replaced.
(3) Turn your phone sideways whenever file tables are showing to view the contents and search bar better.
(4) Above any table you can search for any file to hear or download by entering any part of its filename. Searching includes sub-directories. For instance searching for “gospel” at the home page of “Sermons” will display all sermons (of any minister listed in the table) with a filename that includes the word “gospel” or “Gospel”.
(5) When selecting a file to hear on your web browser, click on the filename in the Name field instead of the speaker icon thumb. This will help you to keep your place, for when you finish out hearing the mp3 and press the back button on your browser, the same filename will be highlighted in red. Pressing the thumb does not change its color.
(6) When listening to a hymn (the hymns being in high fidelity stereo) and not using ear buds; if you turn your phone on its side (landscape) about 8 inches from your face (opposite ends towards each ear), what you hear will be 100% better.
(7) Using a private web browser like Duck Duck Go or most browsers in incognito mode might continually overwrite your previous download. Either rename after downloading or use Firefox, Chrome, etc.
(8) I enjoy programming and was a software programmer in the USAF. Maybe there are no programs currently here that you can use, but keep checking back here.
(9) You may contact me by email at [email protected].