Hymns - Info
The public domain hymns listed below I’m able to play (in the noted key within parenthesis) without too much practice.
These will be recorded and uploaded one by one fairly rapidly beginning May 1, 2023. I will re-record a number of any posted as my skill improves.
Good news. Although I was unable to record them using the Wurlitzer (since my computer is too slow), once the arrangement was completed I was able to play it back and export it using the Wurlitzer. Therefore these congregational hymns will sound more like a piano as found in a rural church.
The hymns uploaded so far will be in bold and underlined. These are not links.
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (C)
Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed (Eb)
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (G)
Are You Washed in the Blood (G)
At Calvary (C)
At the Cross (F)
Be Thou My Vision (F)
Blessed Assurance (C)
Come Ye Disconsolate (C)
Come, Thou Almighty King (F)
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (C#)
Count Your Blessings (Eb)
Crown Him With Many Crowns (Bb)
Down at the Cross (Ab)
Fairest Lord Jesus (Eb)
God Will Take Care of You (Bb)
Grace Greater Than Our Sin (G)
Have Thine Own Way, Lord (Eb)
He Keeps Me Singing (G)
He Leadeth Me (C)
He Lives (Bb)
Higher Ground (D)
Holy, Holy, Holy (C)
How Firm a Foundation (G)
How Great Thou Art (Bb)
I Am Thine, O Lord (G)
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus (C)
I Love to Tell the Story (G)
I Need Thee Every Hour (Ab)
I Surrender All (Eb)
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (Ab)
It Is Well With My Soul (C)
Jesus Loves Me (C)
Jesus Paid It All (C#)
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross (F)
Just As I Am (C)
Just a Closer Walk With Thee (Bb)
Leaning On the Everlasting Arms (F)
Lord, I’m Coming Home (G)
Love Lifted Me (Bb)
Low in the Grave He Lay (C)
More About Jesus (F#)
My Jesus, I Love Thee (F)
No, Not One (F)
Nothing But the Blood (F)
Of the Father’s Love Begotten (Eb)
Onward, Christian Soldiers (Eb)
Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior (G)
Praise Him! Praise Him (G)
Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It (Ab)
Rock of Ages (Bb)
Send the Light (G)
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart (G)
Softly and Tenderly (G)
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus (F)
Standing On the Promises (Bb)
Take My Life, And Let It Be (F)
Tell the Story of Jesus (Eb)
The Lily of the Valley (F)
The Old Rugged Cross (Bb)
The Solid Rock (F)
There Is Power in the Blood (Bb)
There Is a Fountain (C)
There Is a Name I Love to Hear (E)
There’s a Land That Is Fairer than Day (G)
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (G)
To God Be the Glory (F)
We’re Marching to Zion (F)
Were You There (C#)
What Wondrous Love Is This (C)
What a Friend We Have In Jesus (F)
When We All Get to Heaven (C)
When We Walk With the Lord (F)
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder (G)
The following patriotic hymns (including one not considered to be a hymn) I plan to post before July 4:
America the Beautiful (Bb)
God Bless America
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (Bb)
My Country, ‘Tis of Thee (F)
The Star-Spangled Banner (G)