Click Here for Local Hymns (mine and others) Main Page

All Links Below are from YouTube – I believe you will be satisfied with a broad selection of the most popular and/or unique. There are included several not well known selections. One in particular on one’s piano, because I was unable to find the original artist.

Hymns A-K

Hymns L-Z

Southern Gospel A-H

Southern Gospel I-L

Southern Gospel M-S

Southern Gospel T

Southern Gospel U-Z

Contemporary Praise A-I

Contemporary Praise J-S

Contemporary Praise T-Z

NOTE: The Southern Gospel and Contemporary Selections are mostly that. Some might consider it in the other. A number, having the same title and popular are either of another performance (because the other includes lyrics) or by another artist. Where possible my selections included those with lyrics yet depending upon both popularity and quality.

Included within the Southern Gospel links are several comedy selections by several artists. Good clean comedy is often included in Southern Gospel performances.