This page will be updated shortly to provide more info on all the ministers having sermons posted on this website.
I’m humbled to present to you several excellent Bible teachers and pastors, Bob Spagnuolo. May you be fed a bit here upon this very table full of the smorgasbord of God’s Word.
Here are presented his entire series on Basic Bible Doctrine, The Doctrines of Grace and the KJV. Other series contain the first sermon in the series to whet your appetite to continue. Just make sure the Bible is in your hand – ultimately implanted more and more within your heart, where so watered by the Holy Spirit will produce much good fruit in your life, if truly you are a child of God.
To access his huge library of hours upon hours of anointed sermons and Bible Studies click this link: Pastor Bob Spagnuolo Sermons.
Just recently I have begun to add at first excerpts from the pulpit of Dr. Joel Beeke. I will perhaps post several dozen full sermons of his here in a short time. For now, take a listen at some excerpts of his within the Sermon table.
Additionally, also adding sermons of Dr. Alan Cairns on Sermon Audio. You’ve got to hear this man preach the word of the LORD. The first posting in the sermon table on Thy Word We Love is a great truth and comfort in knowing that you are sealed!
Click HERE to go back to the sermons page where you can hear and download sermons and excerpts from these fine ministers of the LORD.